Customer Testimonials

Graf Group Insurance

"My family and friends are very pleased with the service Kimberley has provided. During lean times she has worked with us adjusting our policies. She has worked with me in finding the most valuable and inexpensive policy. I reccomend her to all of my family and friends!"

Dave B.
Maryland Heights, Missouri

"I met Kimberley in 2003 when I was buying my first new car. She was the most friendliest person I had met in the industry of insurance. When I call her with questions she always has an answer or she gets back to me with the answer. She is so nice and I feel like she is a friend of mine instead of an agent. She has real good knowledge of her job and wants to help the people she works with. She does an outstanding job with all of her clients. As you can see, I like her work because when she moved from her other agency she worked with, I moved with her. She has been there for me all of the time."

Tammy M.
St. Louis, Missouri

"Great person, great service, great coverages, good premium. Oh well, can’t have everything. But you do get what you pay for!"

Rhonda J.
Belleville, Illinois

"Kimberley is ALWAYS available when I need her. It doesn’t matter what time of day or night. I can email her, call her at her office or reach her on her cell. If she is busy she always gets back with me."

Stephanie S.
Creve Coeur, Missouri

"I got Kimberley’s name from a State Farm agency. I called them for an insurance rate on my auto and homeowners coverage. I wasn’t happy with their premium, so they referred me over to The Graf Group. They were able to beat State Farm’s rate on both the auto and the home! Placed both of my policies with The Graf Group, and was very pleased with the prompt, and professional manner in which my policies were explained to me."

Robert K.
St. Charles, Missouri

"Thank you so much for doing what you do! I APPRECIATE you! I am truly a satisfied customer!"

Carla W.
St Louis, Missouri

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